What did you do?

The Past Simple Tense is used to refer to actions that were completed in a time period before the present time. 

Using the Simple Past Tense

  • The Simple Past is used for actions that started and finished at a specific time in the past. It’s also possible to use the simple past in a sentence without specifying a time, but it must have previously been made clear that the speaker is referring to a finished period. 


TOMi.digital - SIMPLE PAST

EXCERCISE: Click on these links to solve the exercise.



English language has two kind of verbs: regular and irregular

Regular verbs rules


Look for regular verbs.


Note: through this link , you can download the lists of regular and irregular verbs.


Listen and practice the pronunciation in order to record the dialogue by yourself.


Boy: good morning, Sally. how are you?

Sally: I’m great, what did you do yesterday?

Boy: we went to the park.

Sally: what did you do in the park?

Boy: we flew kites, his kites flew high

Sally: wow! you’re good

Dog: what did you do yesterday, Sally?

Sally: I read books.

Boy: let’s go to the classroom

Teacher: what did you do yesterday?

Student: I watched a science movie.

Teacher: what did you do yesterday, Mike?

Mike: I made bulgoji with my dad.

classmate: how was it?

Mike: it was very delicious.we had a bulgogi party

Teacher: I made cookies yesterday, I brought cookies for you.

Students: Thanks. Mmm, delicious!

Boy: how are you?

Sally: I’m good. how was your summer vacation?

Boy: It was great, I went to jejudo with my family.

Sally: Really? what did you do there?

Boy: We looked around jejudo

Sally: Sounds great!

Boy: we rode horses and walked along Jeju Olle

Sally: Jeju olle? what’s that?

Boy: it’s a walking path. you can see beautiful beaches and fields from there.

Sally: Wow, I want to go there, too.

Boy: how about your vacation? what did you do?

Sally: I took Taekwondo lessons

Boy: Great! what color belt do you have?

Sally: White, I want to get my blue belt soon.

Boy: good luck!